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information and communication technologies
digital tools
social networks
mental maps

How to Cite

O. V. Kytsan and S. M. Romanov, “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR STUDYING FOREIGN LITERATURE IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS”, ITLT, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 86–102, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v88i2.4702.


Despite generally positive attitude towards the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into educational process, the traditional methodology still dominates in the field of philological disciplines. There are enough resources (sites, blogs, podcasts, etc.) for methodological support of learning, that is, for ensuring reliable and productive cooperation of the tandem between teachers and students. Literature courses were perhaps the most resistant to technical innovation. Probably this should be explained, among other things, by the fact that literary texts are mainly associated with the world of spiritual, aesthetic and emotional, something that is difficult to imagine, and even more so to combine with pragmatic and utilitarian cyberspace. In fact, this view of the problem is incorrect. Teacher's desire and ability to use innovative approaches can significantly diversify the way of teaching and fill it with additional and new meanings.

Literature as one of the arts can be most fully understood in synthesis with related industries – music, painting, theatre, cinema, photography, even the sphere of cyber games. Therefore, this article is focused on possibilities of introducing information technologies into linear, and for modern young people, in fact, into one-way “flat” teaching of literature. The purpose of the work is studying and practical application of the latest pedagogical strategies that can be used in the development of training courses for philology students. The possibilities of ICT were tested on the example of J. Orwell's dystopian novel “1984”. In particular, Popplet online tool for the development of mental maps, service, Penzu online notebook, Facebook social network, etc.

A new algorithm for studying foreign literature, tested in classes with university students, showed the ability to integrate with the traditional model of learning. In the educational process the most optimal information tools for each stage of work are defined – a lecture course, independent preparation, seminars. Also, these tools provide a wide range of opportunities for reliable consolidation and creative implementation of students' reading experience.

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