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educational process
professional competence
clip thinking
information technology tools
transformation of clip thinking of higher education students

How to Cite

S. Bushuyev, H. Korchova, Y. Krasylnyk, M. Rudenko, and B. Kozyr, “DEVELOPMENT OF CLIP THINKING OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS IN INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT”, ITLT, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 76–94, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v99i1.5376.


Global trends and sources of formation of clip thinking in the field of digitalization of educational systems are studied. The key influences are the transition to a new model of the global environment and the expansion of the use of artificial intelligence in educational systems. The topicality of the issue is due to the need for teachers’ prompt response to the growth of the content of educational information, challenges associated with the phenomenon of «clip» thinking, which are a certain obstacle in the competence training of future professionals. It has been established that these and other factors force teachers to change the style, forms, methods and methods of obtaining, accumulating, processing and presenting educational information and to build effective educational practices on this basis. It was found out that information technologies, on the one hand, allow productive management of educational and cognitive activities, but also require appropriate information and technological support. The main characteristics of clip thinking are defined: imagery, increased emotional component of educational and cognitive activity, high speed of perception and superficial processing of information, deficit of attention and its concentration, fragmentation and mosaicism of the picture of the world, loss of desire for knowledge, reduced need and ability for productive activity, etc. the main features of its carriers are highlighted. The results of an empirical study conducted among students of higher education at the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture showed that some of them prefer clip-based thinking. The analysis of the literature on the problem of innovative approaches in the training of future professionals made it possible to identify the range of information technology tools in the context of the transformation of "clipping" of thinking. It was concluded that overcoming the cognitive deficit, the dominance of the sphere of abstract and logical thinking is possible under the condition of the appropriate construction of the training organization in the direction of the logical presentation of the educational material, its compliance with practical goals, the introduction of technologies aimed at educational interaction (the use of electronic discussions (forums), electronic mail, conferences, etc.), ensuring an individual approach to the organization of educational and cognitive activities, taking into account the motives, needs and opportunities of higher education seekers, the variability of the selection of IT learning technologies and their combination.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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V. Yu. Habrusiev, H. V. Tereshchuk, A.V. Stepanyuk, and T. M. Olendr, “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of an effective information and learning environment in higher education institutions”, Information Technologies and Learning Tools, vol. 95, № 3, рр. 183-196, 2023. doi: (in English)

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D. O. Chernyshev, Yu. V. Maksymiuk, Yu. S. Krasylnyk, H. L. Korchova, and M. V. Rudenko, “Peculiarities of technique of teaching technical disciplines in the institution of higher education of the building profile”, Strength of materials and theory of structure, vol. 108, pр. 35-62, 2022. doi: (in English)

IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline (IPMA OCB) for Developing Competence in Managing by Projects. Version 1.1 (2016). International Project Management Association, Amsterdam, 105 p. (in English)

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Сергій Бушуєв, Галина Корчова, Юрій Красильник, Микола Руденко, Борис Козир


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