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engineering education
Project-based learning
Visual Paradigm

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H. V. Lutsenko, “VISUAL PARADIGM SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT IN LEARNING THE PROJECT WORK TECHNOLOGY FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 208–225, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v83i3.3400.


In the article the possibility of using of multidisciplinary software environment Visual Paradigm in the case of study of the discipline "Technology of project work" by students of engineering speciality «151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies» has been considered. With taking into account the intensive expansion of the concept of Industry 4.0, the importance of the implementation of integrated hardware and software project task as a component of professional training of engineering students has been substantiated, as well as the necessity to develop skills related to the ability to adapt to rapidly changing working environment. The ways of implementation of project-based learning in order to prepare engineering students to the solving of integrated professional tasks and facilitate the mediate formation of general competencies related to project management, teamwork, communication and collaboration are considered. The peculiarities of the professional context of engineering activity, which should be reflected in the educational process, are defined. The example of formulation of learning outcomes of the discipline "Technology of project work" is described. Such learning outcomes include the professional competences related to the general and speciality-specific professional component and general competences, which include the personal-interpersonal component and competences that will be required in the educational process and professional sphere. For the theoretical material of the discipline "Technology of project work" learning outcomes were developed by using the Anderson's taxonomy. It is proposed to use hybrid learning, which combines lectures and laboratory classes in the traditional form and project activities of engineering students. The procedure of developing a complex of UML diagrams in the Visual Paradigm Community Edition software environment for the project tasks of the discipline "Technology of project work" is described in detail.

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