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information and educational space
medical education
distance learning
cloud services
structure of information and education complex

How to Cite

N. Ivankova and O. Ryzhov, “THE STRUCTURE OF INFORMATION AND EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT OF A MEDICAL UNIVERSITY”, ITLT, vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 118–137, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v99i1.4625.


The authors examine the process of transformation of the educational infrastructure of medical universities during the transition to a mixed form of studying while COVID – 19 quarantine. Analysis of scientific publications on the digital transformation of the higher education system has shown the effectiveness of a hybrid model for organizing a virtual learning environment, which combines the ground-based infrastructure of the university and can include private and public cloud services. Hybrid model allows providing appropriate technological conditions for quality organization of teachers' work in online mode of distance learning system. Cloud services allow organizing a virtual group educational environment - a virtual classroom and a personal environment for students. The authors analyzed the changes in the infrastructure of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University in the process of digital transformation of the educational process during the period of COVID-19 quarantine, which became the ground for the development of a structural model of the information and educational environment of the university. The work focuses on the fact that one of the features of the educational process in medical universities is the usage of special learning tools: software and hardware systems for examination of a patient's condition, technical means of telemedicine, classroom self-training sessions for Licensing Integrated Exams “KROK” 1,2,3 on the basis of licensed software, etc. The authors conducted a systematic analysis and identified the technological components of the unified information educational environment of medical HEIs, namely: corporate computer network; workplaces of participants in the development of online courses (designer, lecturer of videoconferencing, moderator of video lectures or webinars, designer of video processing; specialized modeling systems; simulation complexes; software and hardware complexes for processing biological signals; specialized classrooms: computer room of the library, lecture halls for remote video lectures with interactive communication, lecture halls for interactive lectures, media centers for webinars and telemedicine consultations; cloud services . The proposed structure of information and educational environment of a medical university was implemented in the educational process of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University which made possible the creation of a cloud-oriented educational environment. The usage of hybrid cloud model allowed to solve the issue of integration of virtual environments of departments, in particular, territorially remote ones, and the ground infrastructure of the university.

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