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multimedia online service
mobile application
future law enforcement officer
safety of life and health and labor protection

How to Cite

A. V. Trotsko, Y. M. Korotkova, and V. Y. Romashenko, “USING PUBLIC MULTIMEDIA ONLINE SERVICES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS IN TEACHING FUTURE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS”, ITLT, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 224–243, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v86i6.4300.


The article summarizes and systematizes the experience of using free multimedia online services and mobile applications while teaching the discipline "Safety of Life and Health and Labor Protection" to future law enforcement officers. It is proved that today a lot of multimedia online services and mobile applications have been developed, they are publicly available and can be used creatively during the organization of all types of training sessions, but there is no experience in their usage in training future law enforcement officers. Considering this fact, a pedagogical experiment was organized and conducted within the study, the purpose of which was to identify the effectiveness of the above mentioned technologies while teaching the future law enforcement officers discipline "Safety of Life and Health and Labor Protection ". The following are defined and described as criteria for the effectiveness of course mastering: academic success, activity of educational and cognitive activity and motivation to master the discipline. According to certain criteria and indicators, three levels of mastering the educational material are identified and described: reproductive, productive and creative. While describing the main stage of the experiment, the work on such online services and mobile applications as: Google Classroom, Moodle, Plickers, Padlet, Learningapps, Zoom, Skype was analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of their application are identified, as well as a comparative analysis of the capabilities of educational platforms such as Google Classroom and Moodle is done. As the part of the study, a chat-bot on the subject "Safety of Life and Health and Labor Protection" was developed and implemented to consult and provide the necessary information to cadets at any time convenient for them.

The results of the experiment proved that the active use of distance learning elements, free online services and mobile applications really helps to improve the level of academic success, activity and motivation for the applicants for higher education.

The study does not cover all aspects of the problem under study. Further analysis requires pedagogically valuable experience in the use of free multimedia online services and mobile applications in other developed countries with the aim of its creative application in the educational process of domestic higher education institutions.

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