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social network
educational potential
online marathon
the English language

How to Cite

A. V. Kyrpa, “USING INSTAGRAM SOCIAL NETWORK WHEN TEACHING ENGLISH TO STUDENTS OF SENIOR SCHOOL”, ITLT, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 52–69, Dec. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v86i6.4491.


Considering today’s reality, the Internet and social networks have become the main form of cultural development of the adolescent’s personality and have got a significant impact on his or her formation. Social networks are considered to be an entertaining means of communication, but, despite the contradictions of this issue, it is worth emphasizing their powerful educational potential: the teacher has got the opportunity to influence his or her students’ educational process in extracurricular activities through a purposeful system of activities. Taking into account modern challenges, the introduction of distance and blended learning with the educational potential of social network is gaining its relevance and a new sound.

The article examines the advantages and challenges of using social media, analyzes the features of the introduction of interactive forms of teaching English for a blended learning environment using mobile applications, presents experimentally tested methods of implementing a thematic online marathon on Instagram as a clearly structured form of work aimed at developing students’ competencies through the performance of a number of specific tasks in a timely manner.

Implementing a pedagogical experiment, the peculiarities of students’ interaction with social networks were found out and the feasibility of using social networks in educational activities in English classes was experimentally tested. At the control stage the dynamics of levels of formation of each competence is analyzed and generalized: ability to think critically and analyze information; development of language and speech competencies; ability to produce and implement ideas, including through online tools; ability to work in a team; students’ general involvement and interest in activities in English classes. Quantitative values of the levels are established by means of methods of mathematical statistics.

The conclusions emphasize the need for further studying the use of social networks educational potential and the development of teachers’ digital competence, and the formation of a conscious understanding of the risks of communication and interaction in the network space.

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