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patriotic upbringing
patriotic consciousness
information and communication technologies
Internet resources
student youth

How to Cite

O. A. Pavlushenko, L. Y. . Mazai, L. V. Prokopchuk, and N. M. Pavlykivska, “THE INTERNET RESOURCES AS A MEANS FOR FORMING STUDENTS’ NATIONAL AND PATRIOTIC WORLDVIEW”, ITLT, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 130–146, Nov. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v85i5.3826.


The article is devoted to the problem of information and communication technologies using in the process of patriotic education and the upbringing of student youth. Special attention is dropped to the teachers’ social role for the formation of patriotism and national identity of the young generation of Ukrainians in the modern social and political realities. Using the method of content analysis, it was defined the possibilities of involving Ukrainian-centric information media channels, educational platforms and blogs with the aim to form students' patriotic outlook. Thus, it was created the model of an interactive process that is presented through the triad "student youth - information and communication technologies - formation of national and patriotic outlook". During the empirical research and use of the focus group method, we determined psychological features of the students’ activity and their main interest direction in the fields of nationally valuable information and awareness with the help of online sources that represent reliable, scientifically substantiated knowledge about the historical past of Ukrainian people and modern social and political life of Ukraine. Such investigations revealed the contradictions between the awareness of the importance of patriotism for the national idea realization and building a strong sovereign state and the ideas of young people about the meaningful filling of the patriotic worldview of the citizen and the actual implementation of their patriotic beliefs.

In conclusion, we formulated the logical structure of pedagogical actions and impacts to make the process of patriotic outlook formation more effective. This structure includes three levels of practical means and tools such as cognitive, emotional and behavioural. Based on the analysis of empirical data, we developed the algorithm of educational influence on young people with the purpose of encouraging them to purposefully use the opportunities of the global network in search of valuable information that can help them to understand all modern processes in the social and political life of Ukraine, to comprehend historical lessons, to expand the personal communication space and to start a dialogue with competent people. As a result of all these scientific reflections, it was defined perspective directions of educational work with students in the field of information and media literacy raising with the aim to improve their critical thinking and perception of the Internet content. It was also determined the importance of studying the possibilities of creating effective models of integration of information and media literacy in the professional training courses and process in general.

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