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electronic dictionaries, students of non-linguistic specialties, foreign language speech activity, reading, speaking, listening, writing, translation

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The article describes the ways of applying innovative teaching technologies, among which a special place belongs to electronic dictionaries, for providing high-quality foreign language training of the students of non-linguistic specialties of higher educational institutions. The advantages of electronic dictionaries over their paper counterparts have been characterized: effective search system, multifunctionality, topicality, dynamism, large volume of dictionary base, variability, versatility. A number of functions of electronic dictionaries have been indicated: quick searching, fast copying, audio recording, language recognition, useful definitions, availability of linguistic variants, illustration of word usage examples, multimedia applications. The basic types of electronic dictionaries have been described: on-line, dictionary-programs, terminological databases, portable, pocket, mobile ones. The characteristics of Oxford Dictionary of English, which students of non-linguistic specialties of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University successfully use at their classroom lessons and during independent work, have been considered in detail. Didactic possibilities of electronic dictionaries for the development of the four types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking, writing) and translation have been analyzed. Methodological tips for using electronic dictionaries in various types of speech activity have been developed. The comparison of the survey results conducted for non-linguistic specialties students and their teachers regarding the frequency of electronic dictionaries usage in the process of learning a foreign language during 2008/2010 and 2018/2019 academic years has been presented, as well as the survey results conducted for non-linguistic specialties students on the frequency of dictionaries usage in reading the text, doing exercises for developing writing and speaking skills, listening (watching videos), doing translation. The necessity of introduction of electronic dictionaries in the process of learning a foreign language by the students of non-linguistic specialties has been justified. The main problems of electronic dictionaries usage in the educational process of higher educational institutions have been characterized.

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