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informatization of education
quality of education
study of chemistry

How to Cite

O. M. Naumenko, “INTERNET RESOURCES AND IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SCHOOL CHEMICAL EDUCATION”, ITLT, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 56–63, Apr. 2013, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v34i2.808.


The problem of Internet-resources usage aiming to improve the quality of school chemical education is examined in the article. Quality of education is interpreted as a process and as a result. From positions of process, quality of education is the state of the system of education on the whole and conditions of educational activity in every educational establishment in particular; as a result − specifies compliance with the level of students preparation to the requirements of the State standard of education and operating educational programs, ability to satisfy the educational queries of personality, to meet the needs of society and the state. It is noted, that development of the school system requires constant updating of technologies, speed-up introduction of innovations, and rapid adaptation to the economic and technological changes in the world.
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